he Centre for Complementary Heath is supporting Self Care Week 2013, which runs from 18 - 24 November. This year’s theme is “Self Care for Life – Take Control” and the intention is to raise awareness of how you can take control of your health, and ultimately take control of your life.
We want you to Self-care for Life. Become more health conscious and choose healthy options that will impact positively on your physical health as well as your mental wel-lbeing and self-esteem.
Self-Care for Life is about being knowledgeable about your health and taking measures to stay well. Eat properly, take regular exercise and look after your symptoms of minor ill health. Recognise when to self-treat and when to seek advice, and if you need advice, is it from the pharmacist or do you have to visit the surgery? And, if you have a long term condition, understand that condition and how to live with it daily. Self-Care for Life and take control.